Training Your Wiem

The Weim Trainer’s Tool Belt

(Or, What Stuff Do You Really Need to Train Your Weim?)

Let’s face it, there are a lot of dog products out there. And your Weim doesn’t need all of them. (Even if she tries to tell you that she does, when you visit the pet store.)

But certain products do make life with a Weim easier. So, the question becomes: How do you know which products are essential, and which would be a waste of your hard-earned cash?

Fear not, Weimaraner-owners. When it comes to pet products, I’m a consumer par excellence. I’m also a dog trainer, so all this stuff has been tried and tested by my students’ dogs too.

To include equipment on these lists, I consider it to be 1) worth getting (useful); 2) it doesn’t break, fall apart or get easily destroyed and; 3) it doesn’t cost a million dollars.

But First, A Word About Toys