Make Your Home Safe for the Sitter

Securing Your Home for Your Pet Sitter’s Arrival

In addition to keeping your beloved pets safe, happy and well cared for, a professional pet sitter also attends to the safety and security of your home while you are away.

 Here are some tips you can do to help:

  • Make sure your pet sitter is aware of anyone who may be on your premises or entering your home during the pet-sitting assignment.
  • Use timers on interior lights to go on at dusk and off at bedtime as well as motion sensors on exterior lights. If evening visits are scheduled to your home, the pet sitter will really appreciate this safety precaution!
  • Make sure doors and windows are securely locked before leaving. This should include garage doors, sliding glass doors and basement doors and windows. If outside doors have panes of glass near a push-button lock, consider installing a dead bolt lock as well.
  • Advise gate security that a pet sitter will be visiting your home and authorize entry.
  • Inform your neighbors of your absence and use of a pet sitter.
  • Mow the lawn before you leave and arrange for exterior maintenance as necessary during your absences from home.
  • Make sure any fences are secure and gates are locked.